Genie Jar Digital — Williamsburg, VA and Hampton Roads | Marketing Agency | Digital Agency

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The Art of Being Different from Your Competition

Avoid the “me too” marketing trap.

People love to copycat. Even when they’re imitating something that doesn’t work.

How many industry websites look exactly the same? How many companies talk about customer service, friendly staff, experience… blah blah blah.

It’s white noise. Everyone says it, and no one listens anymore.

One of the kindest things anyone can do is grab your shoulders, shake you, and force you to answer this question:

What makes you different than the other guys?

If you can’t answer it, your marketing will be like walking uphill in molasses.

Come on! Zero in… why should someone buy from you instead of a competitor?

Answer that question before tv, radio, or newspaper. Nail it down before mailing a flyer or advertising on Facebook.

If you can’t answer, it’s not time for you to advertise.

Ways to stick out:

  • Use your unique personality

  • Make your website unique

  • Develop word-of-mouth triggers

  • Send creative thank you’s to customers

  • Promote incredible offers

  • Run social media contests

  • Focus on a niche group

  • Support a worthy cause

  • Reward your best customers

  • Nurture your email list with entertaining and educational content

  • Tell lots of stories

Separate yourself. Be different. Be the apples-to-oranges comparison in your industry.

Zig when others zag.


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