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How To Separate Yourself From Other Marketers

There is a hidden gem inside all successful marketing.

It goes deeper than graphics. It’s more far-reaching than content. But it’s often neglected because it’s not as sexy as zippy graphics and clever copy.

What is it? RESEARCH.

I know, research sounds boring. But it separates the all-stars from the bench-warmers.

Research isn’t only for the multi-zillion dollar brands. It’s needed in all marketing, from behemoth public companies to the private mom-and-pop shops.

Once you identify your target audience, Job #1 is to “figure them out” (ahem, research).

Get to know your tribe.

How do they think? Talk? Dress? What kind of fears do they have? Frustrations?

Visit their favorite websites. Listen to their music. Binge-watch their favorite TV shows.

That’s right, watch TV and call it research.

It will pay off. When they begin their customer journey, you’ll read their mind each step of the way.

They’re not a faceless, amorphic blob out there in the expansive marketing universe. You really, truly, absolutely know them. This knowledge impacts your marketing words and images.

But knowledge isn’t power until it’s applied.

Start with these foundational, non-negotiable questions:

  • What do they want?

  • What are their problems?

  • Why are you qualified to help them?

  • What is your unique plan to help them?

  • What promise do you give them?

  • How will you call them to action?

  • How will their journey end in success?

Answer these questions and watch objections crumble. The people you’re reaching will not only like you but trust you.

Now… go research your target market's favorite pizza place.