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How SNAIL MAIL Can Pump Up Your Sales

Recently, my middle-school son approached me with a blank envelope.

“Dad, I need help.” His eyes crinkled as he waved the letter. “Uh, how do I address one of these? And which side does the stamp go on?”

For a moment, I was speechless. You don’t know how to address a letter? And this was coming from an honor roll student.

That’s when it hit me. The young whipper-snappers don't have the “physical letter” experience of past generations. Stamps, addresses, zip codes — it's so 20th century.

Postal mail — often described as “snail mail” — has largely been ignored in our tech age. Why do I need to mail anything? There’s Instagram and text messages and Snapchat and...

But maybe it’s time to revisit this relic of the past, especially with marketing.

Yesterday’s wisdom is never wasted

Though postal mail seems like a rusted antique, it’s still relevant. As long as people have mailboxes, delivered mail provides a targeted opportunity to reach them.

Postal mail also has a much longer lifespan and requires effort for disposal.

But most importantly, studies have shown people actually like getting mail. And there’s something special about walking to the mailbox and wondering what’s waiting inside.

Know your competitors

As many marketers put their dollars into new and shiny initiatives, mail volume has dramatically decreased. Each year, the USPS reports deliverables decreasing by the billions.

But guess what? With less clutter, your mailing stands out. It’s a marketer’s dream.

Zig when others zag.

Examine your environment

Imagine a man sending his wife an anniversary text or email. I’m sure she would appreciate it. But what if she received a handwritten note, with her favorite flowers and a bottle of wine?

No contest.

Digital is nice and convenient, but it lacks something important: the emotional connection.

Physical objects create a greater emotional impact than a screen. The feel of a letter, the smell, the thickness, the time it takes to open it.

Physical beats digital when it comes to emotion. And isn’t that Marketing 101?

There is more than one path to the top of the mountain

Like financial investing, great marketing strategies are all about diversification. Digital marketing is powerful, but maybe it’s time to divert some money from Zuckerberg and reconsider your direct mail efforts.

Sometimes returning to old practices can be fresh and innovative.

Closing “mail” joke:

What did the stamp say to the envelope?

"I've become attached to you."

(I know, bad joke).


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