Genie Jar Digital — Williamsburg, VA and Hampton Roads | Marketing Agency | Digital Agency

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How To Master Facebook Ads

The first time I opened the Facebook Ads Manager, I was paralyzed.

It was like looking at a space shuttle console. Buttons and levers everywhere.

There were so many options… objectives, campaigns, audience insights, ad sets.

And what the heck is a Facebook Pixel?

After lots of learning and practice, I turned a corner. And now, I actually enjoy jumping into the Ads Manager and launching campaigns!

Along the way, I compiled a Facebook Ads Cheat Sheet.

It contains my top 10 favorite trainers, bloggers, and podcasters on the subject. I’ve been through them all — and they accelerated my progress.

If you’re new to the journey, save yourself weeks (or months!) by going straight to these great resources. Many of them are free.

Facebook advertising is an extremely powerful tool, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, a lot of money can be wasted.

Save yourself the frustration and download this cheat sheet.