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A Simple Principle That Can Lead To Greater Sales

The Contrast Principle.

Robert Cialdini explains it in his book, The Psychology of Persuasion.

It’s when two different things presented sequentially feel more different than they really are.

Lift something heavy. Now lift something light.

The light object seems lighter than its actual weight.

That’s the Contrast Principle.

In marketing, start with the most expensive option. Why? It makes the following options seem less costly.

Remembering this comes in handy with messaging, copywriting, and sales presentations.

If you’re selling a suit, don’t start with the shirts and socks.

Start with the suit itself.

Use the others as add-ons. They’ll seem more affordable in light of the expensive suit.

Practice the Contrast Principle.

No matter your industry, it can lead to greater sales.


Grab your free copy of “I Hate Marketing: How To Grow Your Sales Without A Fancy Marketing Plan.”