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Why Your Creative Marketing May Be Hurting Your Sales

In 2011, Long John Silver’s rolled out a new slogan and logo. It was a rebrand for Lent, their busiest season.

Ready for their slogan? Drum roll, please...


Uh, okay. Confused?

I’m not being critical. It’s hard creating compelling taglines. But this one got a lot of pushback, and many called it meaningless and awkward.

Here’s the point: the goal of marketing isn’t to produce an award-winning campaign. It's to increase revenue. Period.

Always choose effective over clever. If you confuse people for a nanosecond, your impact lessens.

The confused mind always says, “No.”

So — besides sales — how do you measure effectiveness?

Ask yourself:


Yes, your customer has them. We all do.

A customer’s pain point is a problem only you can solve.

I love Allan Dib’s definition of an entrepreneur: “Someone who solves people’s problems at a profit.”

Great marketing is communicating how you’ve got the medicine for a customer’s sickness.

For example, email provider MailChimp uses this tagline:

Send Better Email. Sell More Stuff.

BOOM. They address the pain point.

The tagline for Bounty paper towels is both clear AND clever:

The Quicker Picker Upper!

Effective? Check. Pain points? Yep.

How about State Farm Insurance?

Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There.

See the pattern? Identify the problem then state the solution using your brand personality.

How about you — do you need to refresh your messaging? Take a closer look at what you’re saying.

Solve problems and you win.

Just don't speak fish.