An easy-to-read marketing guide.

The Marketing Guys, Brian Forrester and Tom Powell, packed over 50 years of combined experience into this easy-to-read guide.

With this innovative “skeleton” framework, even the most seasoned professionals will discover practical tips to move their business forward.

Rub the bottle, make your wish, and enjoy a little bit of marketing magic, genie style.

Uh, hello! It’s FREE! What are you waiting for?

Who Are We?

We’re the Marketing Guys — Brian Forrester & Tom Powell — and the co-founders of Genie Jar Digital, a company that helps small business owners grow their revenue with smart marketing.

We’ve packed over 50 years of combined experience into this book, so if you don’t read it, our lives are a complete waste. But that’s okay, we know a great therapist.

Even the most seasoned professionals will discover practical tips to move their business forward. And at the very least, the book can be used as kindling or to make a cool paper airplane.

Seriously, you’ll come away with fresh ideas and maybe a few aha! moments. Consider it spinach for your brain, dribbled with cheese. Or maybe chocolate.

It’s time to rub the bottle, make your wish, and enjoy a little bit of marketing magic, genie style.

Before reading this book, I lived in my parents basement playing Wii, my car was on blocks in the front yard, and I had a beer gut from too many PBR’s. But after reading The Bones of Marketing Success, I got my mojo back. I’m now the assistant-manager-in-training for a yogurt cart, won a $12 parlay on a gambling app, and I only drink Natty Light (except for Sat nights, when I party a little harder). I’m taking back control of my life. Thanks Genie Jar!

— Axel

(Axel is completely made up, but we’d like to think he’s out there somewhere)

And BTW, we do have real testimonies, just click the button below to visit our homepage.