Why Being Professional Can Be A Bad Thing

Why Being Professional Can Be A Bad Thing

God gave you a personality — use it.

And yes, that personality should shine through in your marketing.

When we work with clients, we often discover two things:

1) Business owners display zero personality in their marketing


2) Business owners actually have a different personality than the one shown in their marketing

Most businesses default to #1 because they need to look “professional.” As a result, their marketing becomes bland and boring. Their ads are no more interesting than reading a phone book.

You must be different. Avoid the jargon, the generic terms, the overused phrases. You don’t talk like that when you’re with friends.

In person, you’re engaging, lively, and interesting. You tell stories. You have a few go-to jokes.

When you infuse that unique personality into your marketing, you’ll enjoy much greater success.

Why? People buy from people.

So be true, authentic, funny, intelligent, serious. Whatever you are. But please, for the sake of all things good and decent, don’t be professional for professional’s sake. It's the quickest way to lose sales.

Just. Be. You.


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