A Marketing Skill That Changes Everything

Trumpet with a rose on it

Back when I was 9 years old, my neighbor taught me something that changed my life

Was it involving finances? Nope.

Math? Hardly.

Science? Not on your life.

He showed me how to play a trumpet. 🎺

I know, weird, huh?

Picture this: my lips puckered on the mouthpiece, cheeks puffed out, attempting to make a melody. 

And spoiler alert… I sounded like an elephant's sneeze.

BUT that moment started a line of dominos:

… I soon joined my middle school band
… Played trumpet through high school and college
… Met a fellow trumpet player in college
… Became a roommate with this same trumpeter in graduate school
… Took over his job once he graduated
… And at that job…

I met my future wife. 💕

All because in 4th grade I learned how to honk a brass tube.

Sometimes you learn things that can change everything.

That's why we're offering a new workshop that could be your game-changing “trumpet lesson.”

And while I can't promise it will land you a spouse (or a record deal), it could supercharge your marketing game.

“The Future of Marketing: Using AI to Reach New Customers” 

In this workshop, you'll learn how to:

Choose AI platforms like a pro
• Turn your content game up to 11 with AI superpowers
• Become a data ninja for smarter decisions
• Craft your AI prompts like a Jedi master

Photo courtesy of Igor Omilaev @omilaev

Ready to upgrade your marketing brain? Want your team to join the AI revolution?

Kickstart your digital transformation by choosing a half-day session OR a full-day deep dive

And here's the kicker: we'll drop our AI wisdom right into your office. Just pick the time and place.

Let's sync our thoughts and make some marketing magic happen.


About Me

Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a smooth moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor. I recently released a young adult novel called The Jungle Within.