How To Sell Almost Anything

Ralph has a crush on Sarah.

But he’s got a problem — he can’t muster the guts to ask her out. It’s hard to blame him. She’s sooo good-looking and smart and talented and he gets the willies just looking at her.

So what does Ralph do instead of asking her on a date?

  • He talks to her...often

  • He spends time around her

  • He becomes friends with her friends

He likes her, and she likes him. But when it comes to ‘sealing the deal’… he gets sweaty palms and dry mouth.

And Ralph's weekends remain quiet and lonely.

Every relationship begins with a first, bold, scary ASK. Not just in dating, but also in business. Many companies boast beautiful websites and glossy marketing collateral. But they fail in one critical way: they don’t challenge people to ACT.

They talk to potential customers often; they interact with them and their friends on social media. But the cash register remains quiet and lonely.

Why? They lack a CALL TO ACTION (also known as a “CTA”).

What is that, you ask? A Call To Action is a statement designed for an instant response.

An effective CTA can be a website button, a coupon, a free trial, or a PDF download. It’s an action that takes the relationship to the next level.

It’s Ralph saying to Sarah, “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together. Would you like to go out on Saturday?”

Look at your marketing. Are you dumping truckloads of information without a clear customer path? Are you asking them to do anything? If you don’t ask people to do business with you, they probably won’t.

Here’s an easy test: visit your website home page.

Do you immediately see a call to action? You should. We recommend having one that's smack-dab-in-the-middle of the page. Apply the 5-second rule: if someone looks at your website for only five seconds, they should see the next steps.

Become a “Call To Action” Ninja. Place them on your website, in your brochures, in your emails, and in your media.

Maybe even tattoo one on your arm.

Why? Because it will increase your business. And isn’t that the point of marketing?


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