How a NYC Trash Can Change Your Marketing

Ever been to New York City? How about on trash day?

It’s amazing the first time you witness it. Curbside trash cans as far as the eye can see. Imagine moving the trash of 8.6 million people!

Recently, the New York City Department of Sanitation needed help. They issued a proposal for the design of new, better trash cans.

Maybe you're wondering, “What’s so hard about designing a trash can?”

It’s harder than you think.

If you’re designing one for NYC:

  • You have to think about DURABILITY

(Will it survive constant use and the infamous NYC weather?)

  • You have to think about SIZE

(Will it work correctly with their existing trucks?)

  • You have to think about WEIGHT

(Will it hold enough trash but not too much to cause equipment damage?)

  • You have to think about RATS

(Will it keep rodents out? Is the lid heavy enough?)

  • You have to think about MANUFACTURING

(Will it be the right cost?)

And those are just a few of the many, many details. Something as simple as a trash can requires strategic thought. If trash disposal needs that kind of planning, what about your marketing?

NYC can’t wing their trash pickup. It’s too important. Likewise, you can’t wing your lead generation. It’s too important.

Without leads you don’t get sales. Without sales you don’t get paid.

Place a high value on your marketing strategy. Success really is in the details.

Otherwise, watch out for those worrisome rats.