Discovering Your Creative Sweet Spot

The Tootsie Roll Pop is forever ingrained in my psyche.

When I’m old and gray, and my brain stops firing neurons, scientists will still be able to easily excavate the memories of that lollipop from my frontal lobe. 

Why? Because of a TV commercial that aired back in the early ’70s:


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?

For a bored kid in the summer, that’s all I needed. Challenge accepted.

I immediately began the process of licking, then marking a piece of paper to keep count, then licking and marking and licking and marking until I finally saw that dang tootsie roll in the middle.

I discovered the number of licks (429 if I remember correctly), then triumphantly wrote to Tootsie Roll headquarters informing them of my scientific findings.

A few weeks later, to my shock, I received a follow-up letter. Inside the large envelope was an ornate certificate labeling me as one of the few in the world who knew the answer.

To an 8yr old boy, it felt like Christmas morning and winning the Super Bowl all rolled into one.

And it was all because of their marketing. Instead of simply selling me candy, Tootsie Roll wooed me with creativity. 

Fast-forward to 2020 and nothing has changed. Creativity is critical for your marketing.


Creativity is connecting the dots.

It’s making connections no one else sees. It’s finding the through-line between seemingly unrelated things.

Tootsie Roll Pops used a cartoon owl to market their message. An owl?! A lollipop and an owl seem a world apart. 

But here’s a possible connection pattern:

…A Tootsie Roll Pop has a treat in the middle

…How many licks does it take to get there?

…You better be smart to figure it out

…Owls are considered to be smart

…How about a smart owl challenging people to figure it out?


Storytelling lies at the heart of creativity.

The connection between two dissimilar phenomena begs for a story to be told.

Both human experience and countless studies have proven that stories “stick” better than facts.

People can retell stories with surprising accuracy, but they quickly forget numbers and bullet points.

Tell an audience a series of facts, no matter how important, and you’ll probably notice several yawns. But then try telling the same audience a compelling story that illustrates those facts. I’ll bet you a million dollars they sit up straighter.

Creativity drives stories, and stories drive creativity.

The results:

  • Grabs the attention of your audience (I want to know how many Tootsie Roll Pop licks!)

  • Breaks through the monotony (an owl is calling me out!)

  • Inspires at a deeper level (this is more than a lollipop, it’s a quest for knowledge!)

  • Memorable for sharing with others (it took 429 licks!)


No matter your industry, creativity waits to be unearthed.

To start the process, ask a simple question: “What If?”

There’s something about those two words. They can bring a seismic shift to your thinking. They give you the excuse to use your imagination instead of relying solely on logic.

When you’re at a creative logjam, use these prompts:

  • What if it is the opposite?

  • What if it was exaggerated?

  • What if you played with the words?

  • What if you substituted or combined something with it?

  • What if it was shocking?

  • What if it was secretive? 

  • What if it was mysterious?

  • What if it had a music soundtrack/theme song?

  • What if it was a cartoon?

  • What if it was scary?

  • What if it was a movie?

  • What if it were twice as big?

  • What if it was illegal?

  • What if it was chocolate?

  • What if it was for kids?

  • What if it was a superpower?

  • What if it was edible?

  • What if it wore clothes?

  • What if it smelled?

  • What if the world ended in 10 minutes?

  • What if I told the story in 6 words?


Everyone can be creative. It’s not only for the select few. 

But a quick note: being creative for creative sake is a trap. 

If you’re not careful, creativity can confuse. If someone has to stop and figure out what the heck you’re saying, you run the risk of losing the sale.

That’s why EFFECTIVE always wins over CLEVER. The goal is to find where effectiveness and creativity meet. 

That's the Tootsie Roll sweet spot.

Want Other Examples of Creativity?

Download our free booklet: “I Hate Marketing.” It’s chocked full of unforgettable stories and examples.

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About Me

Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m the father of five teenagers and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a mean moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor.