
Amy Grant, Velcro, and Your Marketing

One day, a man took his dog for a walk.

When he returned, burrs covered his pet's fur, and they were hard to remove.

He placed one under a microscope and noticed tiny hooks covering its surface. When the hooks connected with the loops of his dog’s fur, the connection was strong.

This gave the man an idea. And for the next ten years, he refined it until he had a product.

What was his invention? It’s something you’ve definitely used…


Look closely at Velcro, and you’ll notice one side has loops, and the other has hooks. To work, each side needs the other.

The “Velcro Principle” In Business

The same “VELCRO” principle operates in business. Sales needs marketing, and marketing needs sales.

  • Marketing without sales is called “branding” — and that’s a waste of money for most small businesses.

  • Sales without marketing is called “word of mouth” — and while that can create orders, it’s not always reliable.

The Sales / Marketing Relationship

When the two dance together, BOOM!

Marketing creates sales opportunities, and Sales closes on those opportunities.

It’s like peanuts and beer.

Chips and salsa.

Netflix and Chill.

The sales/marketing relationship is a beautiful duet.

When it works right, there's perfect harmony, just like when Peter Cetera and Amy Grant performed back in the ‘80s. Remember the song?

Check out their master class in stage chemistry:


Want To Kick Start Your Sales?

We’ll create a plan for you with custom recommendations.

And when you use the button below, we’ll also throw in a sweet 25% discount!

Oh, and by the way, your dog needs a walk.


About Me

Hey, I’m Brian, co-founder of Genie Jar Digital. Born a Tar Heel but now a Virginian, I’m a father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a mean moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor.